Easy iceberg lettuce salad recipe - not your typical wedge salad. Just a few simple ingredients for a unique and satisfying salad. Perfect for a light meal or as a side salad.

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Iceberg Lettuce Salad


Prep Time: 10 Min

Cook Time: 10 Min


– 5 cups Iceberg lettuce — chopped – 1 cup Corn - canned - rinsed or defrosted frozen corn – 1/2 cup sliced Radishes – 1/2 tsp Salt or more to taste – 1/4 tsp Pepper – 1/2 clove Garlic — pressed – 1 tbsp Apple cider or white wine vinegar – 2 tbsp Greek Yogurt – 1/4 cup Mayonnaise – 1 tbsp Fresh chopped dill — could use frozen dill, but not dried

Step 1

Make the dressing by combining the Greek yogurt, mayonnaise, salt, black pepper, garlic, dill (optional) and vinegar. Stir until smooth.

Step 2

Place the iceberg lettuce, corn and radishes in a bowl.

Step 3

Drizzle the dressing.

Step 4

Stir to combine. Season with more salt, pepper and vinegar if needed.

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