Easy Grilled Corn On The Cob With Husk - the perfect grilled corn, no foil needed, soft and charred, ready in under 30 minutes.

Easy Grilled Corn  On The Cob With Husk




– 4 ears of corn with the husk on – 1 tsp salt – cold water – butter — optional

4 servings

30 mins

Step 1

Pull away the outer husk of each ear down the base, without removing them. Remove the silk (as much as you can).

Step 2

Fold the husks back into place to cover the corn. Fill a large, deep bowl with cold water. Add salt (optional). Add the corn ears with he husks and soak for 10 minutes.

Step 3

In the mean time, preheat a gas grill to medium temperature (400 F). Clean the grates. Remove the ears of corn from the water and place on the grill.

Step 4

Grill for 16-20 minutes, turning every 4-5 minutes, until the corn is cooked on the inside.

